Research on Propaganda Detection in News Articles

Span identification and technique classification of propaganda in news articles. We utilize pre-trained BERT and propose a sentence-level feature concatenating method to help to understand.

Research on Propaganda Detection in News Articles
Research on Facial Expression Recognition Based on NAS

We propose an appropriative and lightweight Facial Expression Recognition Network Auto-FERNet, which is automatically searched by a differentiable Neural Architecture Search (NAS) model directly on FER dataset.

Research on Facial Expression Recognition Based on NAS
Research on Adversarial Perturbation on Large-scale Point Cloud

Learning adversarial pertrubation for 3D object detection and semantic segmentation.

Research on Adversarial Perturbation on Large-scale Point Cloud
Research on the Learning Mechanisms in Physica Reasoning

NeruIPS 2022 Learning from intuition / Learning from dynamics

Research on the Learning Mechanisms in Physica Reasoning
Tool Creation

Functionality-guided Physics-based Tool Creation

Tool Creation
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